Great job feminists…….
Originally posted on Twitchy:
Also horrible: The scene at today’s SlutWalk Chicago:
#SlutWalkChi RT @rickmajewski: Waiting at #daleyplaza for #chicagos#slutwalk to begin #protest#rights—
Occupy Chicago (@OccupyChicago) August 23, 2014
Whenever the crowd is forced onto sidewalk, chant becomes "who do you serve?" Crossing river. #slutwalkchi—
Joe Macaré (@joemacare) August 23, 2014
End Rape Culture! #SlutWalkChi#Chicago—
Slutwalk Chicago (@slutwalkchicago) August 23, 2014
He’s doing his part.
RT @slutwalkchicago: #SlutWalkChi stepping off!! 100's marching against Raoe Culture #Chicago—
Rachael P (@plussone) August 23, 2014
We'll see this banner at @slutwalkchicago#ACAB#Caturday#SlutWalkChi—
Rachael P (@plussone) August 23, 2014
Best banner I've ever held. #slutwalkchi—
Feminist Bully (@bullhorngirl) August 23, 2014
Speakers are getting started at @slutwalkchicago#SlutWalkChi 2014 FIGHT RAPE CULTURE!!!—
Rachael P (@plussone) August 23, 2014
.@ICATIllinois volunteers as a clinic…
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