Told ya so!
Now we get the entertaining spectacle of the U.S. aligning with Syria and Iran to fight ISIS.
Originally posted on Rare:
Last year Middle East scholar Daniel Pipes said the unthinkable: the United States should support Bashar al-Assad in the Syrian civil war.
Pipes noted that the Sunni jihadists who had invaded Syria were a greater threat to the region and American security than a Syrian dictatorship. “A rebel victory would hugely boost the increasingly roguish Turkish government while empowering jihadis and replacing the Assad government with triumphant, inflamed Islamists,” he warned.
Pipes immediately took fire from both the left and the right. But fast-forward to today and not only has Pipes’ fear of triumphant Islamists been realized, but the Obama administration is considering a policy that would effectively boost Assad.
ISIS, the world’s wealthiest and most lethal terrorist group, is threatening Christians, Yazidis, and Shias with genocide—all thanks to the instability that resulted from a weakened Assad regime. ISIS jihadists are already wielding captured American artillery. For them to have even more American weapons…
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